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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Orange Slushie

Photo by Nixxphotograpy
I love orange stuff...Orange popsicles, orange sherbert, get the picture. So, it shouldn't surprise y'all that I love these orange slush drinks. They are really refreshing in the summertime and simple to make.

What ya need:

frozen orange juice concentrate
1 pkg. vanilla pudding mix
1 cup of orange yogurt
a lil milk i'd say start with 1/4 c. and go from there. Just to get it to the consistency that you are looking for.

What ya do:

1. Get out your blender and plug it in.

2. put all the rest of yer ingredients in there.

3. Hit the button & blend it.

4. Drink it.

See. I told ya it was easy.

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