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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Meat Balls

Meatballs are one of my favorite dishes ever. A dear lady that I used to go to church with made these meat balls and they have always been the best you could put in your mouth. I adapted the recipe for use in the crock pot instead of on the stove top for all you busy Mamas like me out there .

Here's what ya need for the meat balls:

1 lb. ground beef
3/4 c. oatmeal
1 egg
1 medium onion chopped real fine. I like vidalia onions, but you can use a plain ole yeller one if that's all ya got.
salt and pepper to taste
vegetable oil for frying

Here's what ya need for the sauce:

1 (15 oz. can of tomato sauce)
3/4 cup water
1/4 c. apple cider vinegar
1/2 c. light brown sugar

Here's what ya do:

Step 1:

Take all the meatball ingredients and dump 'em in a big bowl. Mix it up with yer' hands. Make sure you mix it all up real good. Now, shape 'em into meat balls. 

Step 2:

 Heat vegetable oil in skillet on about med- med. High heat. 

Step 3: 

Brown the meat balls on all sides . Drain on paper towels.

Step 4:

Put those meat balls into yer' crock pot set on low heat. Dump in all your sauce ingredients and pop the lid on that puppy. Let it cook for 4 hours.

These are the absolute best meat balls ever. Enjoy.

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