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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Coconut Bon Bons

At Christmas time we like to make a whole whoppin' heap of the sweet stuff. Shoot, me, my Mama, and my sister cook up a storm around that time of year. I love sweets better than fried chicken, so there's no wonder it's my favorite time of the year. One of my favorite things to make are coconut bon bons. They're really simple...don't take a whole bunch of ingredients and this recipe makes a ton of 'em! You'll love these. I promise.

Here's what ya need:

3 8 oz. pkg of cream cheese(softened real good)....get the cheap kind y'all unless there's a really good sale of the name brands
3 tsp. vanilla
6 tsp coconut flavoring
4 lbs. powdered sugar
2 lbs. unsweetened coconut
1 1/2 tsp. salt

Here's what ya do:

Step 1:

Dump your cream cheese into a medium size bow. Add salt, vanilla, and coconut flavorings. Mix well.

Step 2:

In a separate bowl, and I mean a big one...think about it you've got 3 packs of cream cheese and 4 lbs of sugar to work with.. BIG BOWL...Okay, so in yer' BIG bowl, mix up yer' sugar and coconut...

Step 3:

Add yer' cream cheese mixture to the coconut & sugar mixture. Get your hands dirty and mix that stuff up. It takes a while to get it all worked together good, but it's worth it.

Step 4:

Roll into balls; maybe 1 inch or so...

Step 5:

Cover & place in the fridge for about an hour.

Step 6:

Dip the chilled balls in white chocolate......Mmmm Mmmmm Good. It'll make yer' tongue slap yo' brain!!!

Step 7:Place on waxed paper till chocolate is set.

Step 8:  Eat until you look like you're about 8 months preggo....park yer bootie and the couch and make the kids do the cleaning. Have fun.

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