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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Better than Oreos Cookies

There's something I have to admit to y'all. I have a sweet tooth. I love sweets better than anything in this world and cookies are my weakness. If I make 'em I HAVE to have people around to help me eat 'em or I'll devour a whole batch by myself. One other thing I need to let y'all in on. I'm obsessed with cream cheese; cream cheese icing, cream cheese dips, cream cheese anything. So, you'll see why I absolutely LOVE these cookies. They're easy, cheap and so good- even better than Oreos.

Here's what ya need:

2 pkgs. Devil's Food Cake Mix (stock up when they're on sale)
4 eggs, beaten
2/3 c. veggie oil
8 oz. cream cheese (YES)
1/2 c. softened butter
4 cups powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla

Here's what ya do:

Step 1: mix up cake mixes, eggs & oil in a big ole bowl. It's gonna be thick, and that's exactly what ya want.

Step 2: Roll into 1 inch balls and put 'em on a cookie sheet.

Step 3: Bake 'em for about 8-10 minutes and them put 'em on a wire rack to cool.

Step 4: While the cookies are cooling, mix up cream cheese, and butter. Add in yer vanilla and powdered sugar. Mix it till it's smooth. Pop it in the fridge for a half hour.

Step 5: Spread cream cheese mixture onto one cookie and top with another. This makes between 2 and 3 dozen sandwich cookies, depending on how big you make 'em.

Step 6: Pour a big whoppin' glass of cold milk, kick back and enjoy.

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